Saturday, 4 June 2011

Heuristic Method for Effective Cellular Network Planning Design

Author Yee Ming Chen, Fang Yun Yeh
On Pages 75-78
Volume No. 1
Issue No. 2
Issue Date May 01, 2011
Publishing Date May 01, 2011
Keywords Channel assignment, cellular network, algorithm, mobile communication


Channel allocation has been considered a NP complete problem, and involves a very important issue for the adequate dimensioning of wireless communication networks. In this paper, we apply the formulation of Minimum span problem (MS-CAP) with heuristic method to three benchmarking problems, for some of which interference-free solutions cannot be found but the approach is able to minimize the interference effectively.

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Securing Watermarked-Relational Data by Using Encryption and Decryption

Author Nagarjuna.Settipalli, R Manjula
On Pages 70-74
Volume No. 1
Issue No. 2
Issue Date May 01, 2011
Publishing Date May 01, 2011
Keywords Ownership rights, relational data, watermarking, security, encryption, decryption, client, server.


Ownership rights on outsourced relational database are very crucial issue in today’s internet environment and in many content distribution applications, because the rapid growth of the internet and related technologies offered an unprecedented ability to access and redistribute digital content. In earlier existing systems the relational data will be watermarked and directly send to the client system, in these systems while sending relational data from server to client attacker easily copy the data and create same copy of relational data. Here there is no security to watermarked relational data. In our proposed system before sending the watermarked relational data to client side we encrypt the relational data and send it to the client side, at client side decryption will be done to get the original watermarked data. Because of using this encryption technique even an attacker copy the data he/she may not read the watermarked relational data.
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A Formal Model for Data Flow Diagram Rules

Author Rosziati Ibrahim, Siow Yen Yen
On Pages 60-69
Volume No. 1
Issue No. 2
Issue Date May 01, 2011
Publishing Date May 01, 2011
Keywords Context diagram, data flow diagram, formal method, consistency rules


A formal model for data flow diagram (DFD) rules is developed by introducing a syntax and semantics for its rules. DFD has been chosen because it is an approach for specifying, constructing and visualizing the model of a system graphically and has been in practical use on a very wide basis but still lacks formal and precise understanding. This formal model can be used to check the correctness of the diagrams and consistency among the diagrams.
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Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Investigation and Computation of Unconditional and Conditional Bayesian Problems of Hypothesis Testing

AuthorKachiashvili K.J.
On Pages47-59
Volume No.1
Issue No.2
Issue DateMay 01, 2011
Publishing DateMay 01, 2011
KeywordsBayesian problem, hypotheses testing, significance level, conditional problem, computation of Bayesian tasks. AMS 2000 Subject Classifications: 62F15; 62F03


In Bayesian statement of hypotheses testing, instead of unconditional problem of minimization of average risk caused by the errors of the first and the second types, there is offered to solve the conditional optimization problem when restrictions are imposed on the errors of one type and, under such conditions, the errors of the second type are minimized...

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Software Architecture Recovery through Graph Mining Technique and Reduction of Complexity Involved in A* Algorithm through Stable Marriage Problem

uthorPavankumar Kolla , Kolla HariPriyanka, R Manjula.
On Pages41-46
Volume No.1
Issue No.2
Issue DateMay 01, 2011
Publishing DateMay 01, 2011
KeywordsReverse Engineering, spanning tree, bipartite graph, AQL, Software Architecture recovery, Graph Matching Problem.


This paper represents a technique for recovering the Software Architecture based on Graph Pattern Matching by the help of mining Techniques. Generally Software Architecture is represented in terms of graphs with set of vertices and edges. Finding the frequent data sets is the major step in the software architecture recovery. Many algorithms are proposed for this, for example Apriori based. In this paper to find the frequent data sets and a maximum association between the graphs we used an efficient algorithm called TMGM (tree based Maximal Graph Mining Technique)....

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An Improved, Prioritized Concurrency Control Scheme with Performance Gain in Mobile Environments

AuthorMohammed Khaja Nizamuddin, Syed Abdul Sattar
On Pages34-40
Volume No.1
Issue No.1
Issue DateApril 01, 2011
Publishing DateApril 01, 2011
KeywordsAbsolute Validity Interval, Priority Value, Semaphore, Mobile Host, Fixed Host


In a mobile computing environment, clients can access shared data irrespective of their physical location and can be updated by each client independently. This leads to inconsistency of the data. Several concurrency control techniques are proposed in literature to prevent data inconsistency. In this paper we first analyze the existing scheme of concurrency control without locking and justify its performance limitations....

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Software Architecture Performance Quality Model: Qualitative Approach

AuthorIshaya Gambo, Abimbola Soriyan, Philip Achimugu
On Pages28-33
Volume No.1
Issue No.1
Issue DateApril 01, 2011
Publishing DateApril 01, 2011
KeywordsSoftware Architecture, Quality Model, SASPUM, PASA, ATAM


As a communication vehicle among stakeholders, software architecture gives the entire view of the system’s major components, the behaviour of those components as visible to the rest of the system, and the ways in which these components interact and coordinate to achieve the system’s goal. The architecture determines the non-functional attributes of software systems that are built into quality models. In this paper we consider the performance attribute of a system.

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Optimizing the search operation in P2P networks

AuthorDiana Chinces, Florian Mircea Boian
On Pages24-27
Volume No.1
Issue No.1
Issue DateApril 01, 2011
Publishing DateApril 01, 2011


As computer and internet usage grows from one day to another and there is the need for information and obtaining it as quickly as possible, the biggest issue is finding a specific resource efficiently. This paper presents the current status of P2P architectures....

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Order Fulfillment Monitoring in Agile Supply Chain by Software Agents

uthorYee Ming Chen
On Pages19-23
Volume No.1
Issue No.1
Issue DateApril 01, 2011
Publishing DateApril 01, 2011
Keywordsagility, fuzzy inference, supply chain


Nowadays, in turbulent and violate global markets, agility has been considered as a fundamental characteristic of a supply chain needed for survival. Consequently Agile Supply Chain is considered as a dominant competitive advantage. However, so far a little effort has been made for order fulfillment monitoring an agile supply chain in recent years. ...

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Performance Evaluation of Shape Analysis Techniques

AuthorS.Selvarajah, S.R. Kodituwakku
On Pages12-18
Volume No.1
Issue No.1
Issue DateApril 01, 2011
Publishing DateApril 01, 2011
KeywordsColour moments, directional edges, non-directional edges


Shape is one of the important features used in Content Based Image retrieval (CBIR) systems. The shape of the object is a binary image representing the object. They are broadly categorized into two groups: contour-based and region-based shape descriptors. An experimental comparison of a number of different shape features for CBIR is presented in this paper....

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Secure Strokes – A Security Mechanism for Authentication in Mobile Devices using User’s Behavioral Pattern of Keystrokes Dynamics with Visual Cues

AuthorPallavica Sahoo, Prithumit Deb
On Pages6-11
Volume No.1
Issue No.1
Issue DateApril 01, 2011
Publishing DateApril 01, 2011


The aim is to develop a security system for mobile devices that eliminates the vulnerability of PIN (4-digit) security and which reduces the high end configuration and memory space requirements of biometrics security. The issues that we will be handling in the project work is the vulnerability of PIN security...

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Predictive Data mining and discovering hidden values of Data warehouse

AuthorMehta Neel B
On Pages1-5
Volume No.1
Issue No.1
Issue DateApril 01, 2011
Publishing DateApril 01, 2011
KeywordsPredictive Data mining, Data Warehousing, Decision tree learning, OLAP


Data Mining is an analytic process to explore data (usually large amounts of data - typically business or market related) in search of consistent patterns and/or systematic relationships between variables, and then to validate the findings by applying the detected patterns to new sets of data. The main target of data mining application is prediction. Predictive data mining is important and it has the most direct business applications in world. The paper briefly explains the process of data mining which consists of three stages: (1) the Initial exploration, (2) Pattern identification with validation, and (3) Deployment (application of the model to new data in order to generate predictions).....

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